Rudy’s Radios

Since its invention, the radio has evolved from a big box filled with tubes, to beautiful pieces of furniture, to tiny devices you can carry in your pocket. We met a man in Franklin, TN who’s been preserving old radios for over 60 years and he has no intention of stopping any time soon. Join Nashville Public Television’s Tennessee Crossroads to find out more about Rudy’s Radios.

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Since its invention, the radio has evolved from a big box filled with tubes, to beautiful pieces of furniture, to tiny devices you can carry in your pocket... Ken Wilshire met a fellow in Franklin who's been preserving old radios for over 60 years and he has no intention of stopping any time soon.

Ken Wilshire joined the Tennessee Crossroads in 2008 with a desire to tell stories about people who have found their passions in life and who would otherwise go unrecognized for their contributions to their community.  Ken began his career at WREG-TV in Memphis, writing, producing and editing news stories, features and documentaries. After leaving Channel 3 he joined Fed Ex in their communications department as a writer/producer and was promoted to the department manager. Ken spent almost 25 years in operations management at FedEx and other Fortune 500 companies.

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