Fleming Williams

If you have you ever had one of those days when you think to yourself, “I’m just going to retire, move to the country and spend my time doing just what I want to,” then watch as Tennessee Crossroads’ Rob Wilds meeting a kindred spirit, Fleming Williams, who spent much of his life searching for criminals, now spends his days searching for the perfect piece of wood.

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Have you ever had one of those days when you think to yourself, "I'm just going to retire, move to the country and spend my time doing just what I want to"? Rob Wilds has, and he met a kindred spirit--Fleming Williams, who spent much of his life searching for criminals, now spends his days searching for the perfect piece of wood.

Rob Wilds has been a part of the Tennessee Crossroads family since 1993. As one of our most frequent producers, and the recipient of several journalism awards throughout his various careers, Rob finds that the best reward for his work is meeting the fascinating people and visiting the interesting places he encounters in his travels. A presence in television, radio and print reporter for more than 20 years, Rob is a teacher, writer, producer and director as well as an actor (with appearances in feature films, television shows and on stage).

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