Mug Collector – Charlie Fouts

Charlie Fouts chooses to look at things. One day he built a shelf. Of course, he had to have things to put on that shelf and that lead to a collection, which Tennessee Crossroads traveled to Woodbury, TN to see. Join Nashville Public Television’s Tennessee Crossroads to find out more.

More Information

Have you ever looked around your house and thought: "Where did all this stuff come from?" Stuff just seems to show up, doesn't it? You might think of it as a nuisance or you could think of it as a collection, which is the way Charlie Fouts chooses to look at things. One day he built a shelf. Of course, he had to have things to put on that shelf and that lead to...well...a collection, which Rob Wilds traveled to Woodbury to see...

Rob Wilds has been a part of the Tennessee Crossroads family since 1993. As one of our most frequent producers, and the recipient of several journalism awards throughout his various careers, Rob finds that the best reward for his work is meeting the fascinating people and visiting the interesting places he encounters in his travels. A presence in television, radio and print reporter for more than 20 years, Rob is a teacher, writer, producer and director as well as an actor (with appearances in feature films, television shows and on stage).

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